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发布时间:2023-07-04 14:10:21来源:

Singer Justin Bieber has revealed he is suffering from facial paralysis also called the Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, after cancelling shows this week. The 28-year-old said in an Instagram video that the condition is due to a diagnosis of Ramsay Hunt syndrome.


paralysis /pəˈræləsɪs/ n.1.麻痹;瘫痪 •paralysis of both legs 双腿瘫痪 2.(活动、工作等)能力的完全丧失,瘫痪•The strike caused total paralysis in the city. 罢工使这座城市完全瘫痪。

Syndrome /ˈsɪndrəʊm/ n. 综合征,征群,综合症状;(特定情形下人的)典型负面特征

“As you can see this eye is not blinking. I can’t smile on this side of my face... So there’s full paralysis on this side of my face,” he said.


The Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is when a shingles outbreak affects the facial nerve near someone’s ears, say medical experts.


shingles /ˈʃɪŋɡlz/ n.带状疱疹

Earlier this week, Bieber’s Justice World Tour - which began in February - announced three shows would be postponed.


“It is from this virus that attacks the nerve in my ear and my facial nerves and has caused my face to have paralysis,” the Canada-born singer said in the three-minute video, indicating the right side of his face.


He asked for his fans to be patient, and said of his forthcoming shows that he is “physically, obviously, not capable of doing them”.


forthcoming/ˌfɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ/ adj. 1.即将发生(或出版等)的 •the band s forthcoming UK tour 乐队即将在英国的巡回演出。2.现成;随要随有•Financial support was not forthcoming. 财政支援尚未到手。 3.乐于提供信息

He also smiled and blinked, showing his 240 million followers how the right side of his face did not move.


With over 150 million record sales worldwide, Justin Biever’s Net worth is estimated to be US$ 285 million.


“This is pretty serious, as you can see. I wish this wasn’t the case, but, obviously, my body’s telling me I’ve got to slow down,” he said. “I hope you guys understand. I’ll be using this time to just rest and relax and get back to a hundred percent so that I can do what I was born to do.”


Bieber added that he has been doing facial exercises to “get back to normal”, but that he does not know how long it will take to recover.


He had been due to play in Washington DC and Toronto earlier this week, with concerts also planned in New York and Los Angeles in the coming weeks.


(责编: wangluo)
